All you need to know about bed bug infestation

Bed bugs are small insects that survive on blood. They move quickly over the floors and ceilings. Female bed bugs live in dark areas and lay hundreds of eggs during their lifetime. As such, it only takes a very short time before a small infestation becomes large. Moreover, in less than a month, a young bed bug grows into a mature adult. The only good thing about these pests is that they do not spread diseases besides being a real nuisance.

Where you can find bed bugs


Bed bugs enter homes in many ways. It could be through luggage, used beds, and couches, or on your clothes among other items. Once they get home, their small body makes it possible for them to fit in tiny areas and dark areas. In most instances, these animals are found in mattresses, or couches, where they have easy access to people. Since bed bugs live on blood, your home does not have to be dirty for them.

Signs of infestation

How can you tell whether you have bed bugs at home? Many signs could be indicative of a bed bug infestation. As such, you should be looking at things like blood stains on clothes, dark spots showing excrement on your mattresses, or an offensive musty smell from the bugs. In case you notice any of these signs, the best thing is to confirm whether there is an infestation by examining areas around the bed, couch, electrical outlets, and the edges of your closet among other areas.

Getting rid of bed bugs

bed bug illustrationGetting rid of bed bugs starts with cleaning areas where you expect to finds bed bugs. Have all your beddings cleaned, vacuum the areas around your bed, repair wall cracks where bed bugs can hide, and get rid of clutter around the bed. If your mattress is infested, it is advisable to get rid of it entirely. Before that, ensure your home or room is free from bed bugs free before buying a new mattress.

While cleaning and all general practices highlighted above might help you bring the situation under control, you also need some chemical treatments to deal with the matter. Besides dealing with bed bug infestation, professionals should also help you address other pest infestation issues you might be struggling with.…

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